Successful companies invest in technology to give them a competitive edge through taking advantage of personnel and business process efficiencies. Our approach to Total IT Infrastructure Support means that you have a flexible, scalable range of service offerings to meet your every IT need, without the investment in capital that would be required to embrace all the latest technologies. Outsourcing your IT department frees you from the headache of monitoring and maintaining the servers, systems and network infrastructure that power your business.

For small to medium-sized companies, Corporate West serves as a “Virtual IT Resource” — we can recommend, implement and maintain a comprehensive IT strategy for your organization that maintains your company goals and policies. You’re assured that your company benefits from the latest in information technology, but without the expense and risk of doing it yourself.

Larger companies can either outsource their entire IT function or select components to Corporate west. Some of our large-company customers have chosen our experts to supplement their internal expertise — particularly for complex and time-consuming projects where a multi-disciplinary team approach guarantees the success of the project and enables them to stay on schedule. Others take advantage of our expertise to manage specific elements of their overall IT infrastructure on an ongoing basis.

Whatever your size and needs, CorpWest assumes full responsibility for any or all of your IT needs. And we can work with you to provide additional IT and network management services that your business might require as your needs grow.